So Sergio scored us some tickets through work to see Al Gore's traveling global warming show in DF last night. At the new Mexico City mayor's invitation, Gore lectured in a gorgeous old theater in the Centro, and got the crowd riled up about green living. It was all pretty glam for what was essentially a lecture/environmental rally. The show didn't start until almost ten o'clock at night, and we saw at least one couple stepping out of their giant black hummer to walk through the crowd of leftist pamphleteers working outside the entrance.
As you'd expect, Gore was fired up for the lecture and presented a straight-forward case for taking action to avoid environmental catastrophe. The term "climate change refugee" was a new one for me, and definitely put a human face on the science. The Mexican Nobel prizewinner, Mario Molina, was in the audience and Gore gave him shout-outs throughout the evening. Molina won the Nobel for Chemistry in 1995 for his work on environmental change and ozone. He was sitting just a few rows in front of us which was pretty exciting. We all got a goody bag with a tree sapling as we exited the theater.
Here's a news story on the Mayor's efforts (the Sunday bicycling thing is pretty cool!), and some background on Gore's visit. Mayor Tries to Transform City
how different was his "slide show" from the movie?
Hey Sasha!
Leigh just sent me the link to your blog. It was exciting to scroll through it. She also sent Ellen's baby photos. Wow. We're all grown up.
I hope that you are doing well. :)
PS: Go Al Gore!
I haven't seen the movie but I have the impression that the movie is basically a filmed version of the slideshow?
One thing that was cool was that Gore obviously keeps the slideshow updated and he had incorporated research as recent as the day of the show---also he made a point of including some Mexico statistics in his powerpoint tho the thrust was still primarily focused on US. And no surprise, the more embarrassing statistics about the US received the biggest audience hoots and hollers!
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