So, we've been busy round here the last few weeks. Perhaps 90% of our household goods have arrived (still have some things stuck in a warehouse in Brownsville), we've painted, Sergio has been giving speeches around the city about various important and heady American topics not to mention doing hundreds of visa interviews and I have been up to my now-usual routine of puttering around the house, learning Spanish at an alarmingly slow rate and fretting about my employment prospects in Mexico City. The latest is work for me will start with the new fiscal year---October 1. Fingers crossed!
So, we got about 4,000 pounds of our stuff and nearly all of it is intact. Here's a photo of our apartment after the movers arrived:
It looked like a tag sale for a few days, but things are in order now and we have finally off-loaded much of the Drexel-Heritage government issue furniture. So, we no longer have three sofas in our 1,000 square foot apartment for example. Hooray!
We also painted the living room, dining room and part of the kitchen. The plan was to gloss it up with some white and turquoise-y blue---and get rid of the original light-sucking peachy-tan walls. While this project brought me nearly to tears (Primer doesn't mean the same thing in Mexico, for example, and my crummy language skills made my description of the perfect Turquoise nearly impossible for the paint salesmen to understand), we are almost completely happy with the results of our labor.
And we learned an important lesson about driving during rush hour after a trip to Home Depot for brushes and drop cloths: highways don't always have lanes and the on-ramp is, well, any spot where you can manage to get your VW bug over the curb.

Terrifying stuff.
At any rate, this was my inspiration for the blue walls:

And this is a peek at what we've got now:

love the blue walls - very cute. i'm interested in the content of sergio's speaches - do tell!
I spoke to some local law students on "The American Perspective on International Law" at a reception. Despite the sensitivity of the topics covered (immigration, Guantanamo, etc), the students could not have received us more warmly, and even gave me and my colleague awards at the end -- personalized crystal trophies commemorating the event (it looks kind of like a Cable ACE award). It was very touching, and a great experience overall.
Thanks Leigh! Yep, Sergio is doing lots of public speaking. He has talked to a few other groups of students, including some Americans from Minnesota on a college social work field trip. Go Midwest!
Let Andrew know that I have passed along his mail re: Met School to Maura who is hooked in with a big group of progressive teachers. I enjoyed the clips Andrew included in his mail. Very cool stuff.
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