Highlights from this week included a spot of entertaining, a dose of culture and some new-found productivity.
First, on Sunday we had some neighbors over to share a church bazaar type of meal: sausage and peppers with a big tray of baked ziti. Our efforts were pretty average,but we really lucked out as our guests brought some fantastic desserts includng the famous Nelson chocolate chip cookies and some very pretty mini-tarts. Ivan seemed mostly starstruck by our toddler neighbor Naomi. He basically just stared at her. Sadly, we failed to capture this on camera.
The following day was our first test-run with the babysitter. Sasha has been borderline crazy-lady about sharing childcare duties for Ivan so it was a big deal. And happily, it went well. Ivan even took a long afternoon nap, no doubt inspired by being rolled up like a taquito!
So it looks like once a week Ivan will be spending time with Elena, (who raised 6 kids!), while Sasha gets to work. And by the way, you should really see Sasha's cool new Special Investigator Badge.
The other highlight of the week was attending a discussion/meet the author event for this guy's book, First Stop in the New World.

Our neighbor Emily pulled the party together and it was pretty cool for everyone to get a chance to chat with this dude about all things Mexico City. His book is a good read and we definitely recommend it if you are interested in learning more about the city. His collection of essays provide a street-level look at Mexico City and after reading it, we are much more in the know about things like the municipal sewage system, glue-sniffing homeless kids and what it is like to be kidnapped. His essays also taught us a lot about Santa Muerte, lucha libre and Carlos Slim. A trio of topics that kind of sums up this city, actually.
In other news, Sergio is getting home from work early today because tens of thousands of farmers and fishermen are demonstrating against NAFTA outside of his office. Traffic outlook: not good. But hopefully tomorrow will be a-ok, because the Morenos are driving off to what is often called the most beautiful state in Mexico: Michoacan. A full report will follow!
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