First things first, Sasha went to the dentist for Veteran's Day! With Ivan's teeth on the way (we hope! or else we have to come up with a new explanation for this fussy,drooling dude), Sasha decided it was about time she take some responsibility for her own dental health and set a good example.
Also, it turns out that a super dentist is basically across the street from our house. And you can get same-day appointments. So Sasha had run out of the lame excuses she'd been using to avoid the dentist for the last few years. Yeah, years. Horrible huh? Happily, even with her brazen negligence the dental visit went well. Only one snag: the dentist did suggest she get a retainer. Welcome back 1988! Stay tuned for those awesome photos.
Besides Sasha's personal dentist drama, we've been trying to get outside to enjoy the glorious weather around here. That's trickier than we'd like because these dry sunny days are also filled with a whole mess of pollutants and we've all been suffering a bit from them. And now we roll in Ivan's new "aubergine" stroller set-up. Goodbye blue baby bassinet, hello all-terrain purple cruiser.
We did the usual Saturday morning market/bakery/park routine.
And then we headed off to Roma and Condesa for a double-header of family favorites: flea market and sausages!

First we cruised up and down the avenue looking at junk in Roma -- mostly old books, amateur art and a strangely large amount of Beatles/Simpsons paraphernalia.

After that we walked on to Condesa and the sausage haus for a bite to eat. Sergio had spotted an ad in a diplomatic trade paper boasting of this place with dozens of sausage varieties so we were pretty excited to check it out. Consider it research for our upcoming stint in Poland!
Overall, we thought the sausages were pretty good,and the beer selection above-average (meaning some choices beyond Victoria and Indio). We were disappointed, however, with the mustard. French's? How pedestrian. Mexico just isn't a mustard country. Of course when we're drowning in the stuff in Warsaw, I'm sure we'll be dreaming about table salsas.
This week Ivan went to his 5 month doctor visit which went swimmingly. He's not big, he's not small. He's healthy and doing all the stuff he's supposed to be doing. A quick, dull doctor's visit is just the kind we like! Dr. Hirsch summed it all up by telling us that Ivan "looks very nice."
We think so too, so we'll close out this entry with some more Ivan The Gordito snaps. He's getting to have a real sense of humor.

YES! OMG i was cracking UP at ivan punching his teeth! he is so ridiculously cute. and i must concur with sergio on the smiling food- if they're happy, i'm happy.
sasha, if it makes you feel better, my teeth shifted from braces & now my dentist wants to scrape skin from the roof of my mouth and graft it onto parts of my gums that shifted & receded. ouch! ...uhhhh, lemme get back to you about that.
Skin grafts! Oh man. And to think I was afraid to go to the dentist BEFORE I knew about this...
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