Friday, August 22, 2008

Hanging Around the House

We have had a rainy morning and so I thought I'd put up some photos of the place we've been calling home for two weeks.

The Front Porch

The Living Room: Art galore!

The Dining Room: One of our favorite paintings.

The Kitchen: Space-age Italian dishwasher with instructions more tricky than IKEA's.

The Stairs: Two more flights just like this one.

Our Kind Host: Kevin.

Since Kevin arrived here with a family of three, Sergio and I have high hopes for our next assignment now that we have Ivan in tow! And speaking of that, we turned in our final job list yesterday. We had to make 20 selections which ended up representing 13 different countries ranging from Poland to Peru, Brazil to Bulgaria and lots in between. We're pretty jazzed about all the options on the list and should be able to share some news in early September.

But first, two more days in the GDL!

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