Such a thoughtful little monkey.

The good news is that he's gaining weight. (A big debt is owed to Megan for holding Sasha's hand through the mysteries of early nursing and weight gain!) Ivan's packed on about ten ounces in the last week or so, and got a clean bill of health from the Medical Unit at work yesterday. He's still a lightweight and fits the description of what some medical "experts" call a "banana baby" (long and lean). Apparently babies born at higher altitudes like Mexico City (or even Denver for that matter) tend to be on the smallish side as their weight gain slows significantly after the 33rd week of pregnancy (due to the restricted oxygen when you're up here like us). The little ones can fall about a half pound or more behind babies at normal altitudes by the time they are born. So Ivan's got some eating to do to make up for lost time! So far, he seems to relish the challenge.

Hooray food!
We've been a bit pokey about posting photos on here lately, but honestly, time is flying! Ivan is already three weeks old and we still feel like he was born about ten minutes ago. Sergio's been back at work and Sasha's mom is getting ready to head back to Arizona next week. Ivan has already taken his trip to the US Embassy to apply for his passport and establish his American citizenship, not to mention get shown off to our coworkers. In addition, he's mastering new skills like holding up his head, conducting imaginary orchestras with his tiny hands, cooing, and just generally entertaining us. Or fussing. Ivan definitely puts on his fussypants from time to time...but we try not to focus on that too much. Grandma Kathe has taught Sasha a few tricks that have gone a long way in making Ivan a little bit happier (mostly to do with the importance of burping, burping, burping...).
Oh, and we LOVE swaddling. Thanks to Leigh and Andrew and Nicole for that Miracle!
Must expel the gasses...
Oh, and we LOVE swaddling. Thanks to Leigh and Andrew and Nicole for that Miracle!
The other activity around here is eating. Sasha feeds Ivan pretty much round the clock. The kid is hungry!
Only milk stops the screams...
The good news is that he's gaining weight. (A big debt is owed to Megan for holding Sasha's hand through the mysteries of early nursing and weight gain!) Ivan's packed on about ten ounces in the last week or so, and got a clean bill of health from the Medical Unit at work yesterday. He's still a lightweight and fits the description of what some medical "experts" call a "banana baby" (long and lean). Apparently babies born at higher altitudes like Mexico City (or even Denver for that matter) tend to be on the smallish side as their weight gain slows significantly after the 33rd week of pregnancy (due to the restricted oxygen when you're up here like us). The little ones can fall about a half pound or more behind babies at normal altitudes by the time they are born. So Ivan's got some eating to do to make up for lost time! So far, he seems to relish the challenge.
Hooray food!
And in fact, Ivan's belly IS getting a little bigger. Also his hair is staying reddish-blond for now -- he's looking a bit like a little orangutan actually -- and his umbilical cord fell off (any takers?). We also just discovered that he has a dimple in his chin. Cool!
Our other baby animal is doing great and we're making an effort to make sure she doesn't feel too left out of things as she slips down the family pecking order. Aunt Margaret sent her a nice present that seemed to please her very much: now she can boss the frog around. She swiftly removed each of Frog's eyes to guarantee his dependence.
Good lord he's cute!
You guys seem to be adjusting well - even through the tired.
Great to see the family doing so well! Thanks for the update! - Jon
The next legacy member of Phi Slamma Jamma
my oh my he is a cutey!!!
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