Sunday, April 20, 2008

Fiesta Forever!

It's like this everyday in Mexico.

This last week has been busy with parties -- culminating in Sergio's birthday today which meant cupcakes and (of course) a Hawaiian buffet at the office! And earlier this week , we spent a lot of time going to a string of despedidas and wishing people farewell. Summer is the beginning of the transfer season in this business, and already folks are getting ready to set sail to places like Bogotá, Beijing, Tijuana, Cairo...

Here are some of the folks we're bidding farewell in the next month or so:

Some of LouLou's fave babysitters.

Big hat stays, little hat's leaving.

Pregnant like us!

First, we went to a fantastic Dominican-style party last week at Sasha's colleague's place out in the Hills. There was a huge crowd of coworkers and the best home-cooked food we've had in Mexico, not to mention some awesome dancing till dawn (we left by 11 pm).

Lovely ladies of NIV.

That's not Ed McMahon, trust us.

Urania's house has a super view of the city and when we weren't sampling Caribbean delicacies, we were sitting on the terrace, relaxing with our pals and neighbors.

Also pregnant like us.

Just a few days later, there was a blow-out at our apartment complex complete with a pastor taco truck and mariachis. A lot like our wedding reception actually!

Toward the end, the apartment complex gave in to its college dorm-like tendencies and the party devolved into a drinking games, and a sexy dancing contest. Naturally, Sergio won both.
Sorority-style poses.

Okay, he won the dance contest.

Then things got really out of hand:
Oh dear.

Amazingly no one died.

Yep, it has been a fun-filled week or so. In the middle of all this celebrating, Sasha also attended a baby shower for one of her fellow pregnant ladies where she learned that fewer than 5% of pregnant moms deliver on their due date and that babies are born without knee caps. It was all pretty mind-boggling.

Six More Weeks!

Now that we're in the homestretch, we're starting to realize that an actual baby will be moving in with us soon. We've even set up the crib, and there's a car seat coming any day now (thanks, Kathe and Dali!), but perhaps most pressing on our prep list: we need to convince LouLou to give up "her" room. We've been advised by our dear friend and dog expert Bookie on getting the dog ready for the new arrival. Apparently, she needs to learn how to play second fiddle. Oh boy.

Looks pretty comfy, don't she?


Unknown said...

Hey! Not the most flattering picture of our lovely girl Lulu. Grandma D.

Murdoch said...

what happened to the beard?

SandS said...

Impulse to grow it, followed by impulse to shave it off. That's how I roll. By the way, I enabled a word-verification step if anyone wants to comment again, so as to avoid Spammy McSpam-a-lot like was on here before. Hope y'all don't mind.